Email your favorite brands and help us spread the word about the Moms Across America Gold Standard!
1. Copy/Paste Subject & Body into an email
2. Fill in the parenthesis with your info
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Email Subject:
Please consider the Moms Across America Gold Standard
Email Body:
Dear (Brand Name):
I have been a consumer of your products for a long time and have recently started to look into how companies care for the health of my family.
We all love our families, shop in the same grocery stores, and worry about the future of the planet. We know that you care about providing a quality product, making the world a better place -- and making a profit. I use your products regularly.
Please consider the Moms Across America Gold Standard!!! With this seal on your product packaging, you will be telling every mom who walks down a grocery store aisle that you care and are committed to the health of her family and the health of the planet. You will be letting us know that you hold yourself to exceptional standards, and your product is worthy of our shopping dollars. We will be thrilled to support you! And, as you know, moms mean business!
While current certifications are comprehensive, the Moms Across America Gold Standard completes the picture for companies that want to provide the ultimate in healthy products and sustainability for the regeneration of our planet. It’s what millions of moms want. As someone who has enjoyed purchasing your product, I’m asking you to find out more about the Gold Standard (
(Your Name)
(Contact Information)
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