A list by Moms Across America to support you in finding out more and staying healthy.
Studies, Papers, Reports, and Articles:
- Effect of Genetically Modified Soybean Oil Consumption on Biochemical and Histological Changes of Liver and Kidney in Rats
- No scientific consensus on GMO safety
- Report: "Forcing The Farm: How Gene Drive Organism Could Entrench Industrial Agriculture and Threaten Food Sovereignty"
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) as Invasive Species
- "New" GMOs Make Cells Vulnerable to Tumors and Mutations
- CRISPR Cas9 Has Potential to Increase Off-Target Mutations and Cancer Risk
- New Study Shows Gut Damage From GMO CORN
- BT Toxin GMOs as Human Gut Pathogen
- A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (G.M.) soy and G.M. maize diet.
- Clear English Summary of the Pig Tox Study (listed above)
- Changes in the Protein Profile of Pigs' Blood During Feeding With GM Soybeans
- Scientists have identified significant molecular differences between GMO corn and its non-GMO parent
- A first-hand description of the effects of G.M. Roundup Ready corn on biodiversity in an Iowa cornfield?
- Synthetic biology: GMOs 2.0 - a great explanation of this new and dangerous technology
- Are GMOs 2.0 In Your Food and Cosmetics? - A Shopper's Guide to Synthetic Biology
- Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate, and the deterioration of health in the United States
- Pathology reports on the first cows fed with Bt176 maize (1997–2002) - Gottfried Glöckner1 and Gilles-Éric Séralini
- New Study on Goats fed GMO soy: Mothers had less protein in milk, and kids were smaller.
- GMO-fed Rats 30, 60, and 90 days from Turkish Journal of Biology - "Biological impact of feeding rats with a genetically modified-based diet
- The University of Washington-Protein and Gene Double Meaning Study
- Dr. Judy Carman’s and Farmer Howard Vlieger’s Pig Study on GMO Feed
- Scientist Turns Anti GMO
- Dr. Huber 50 Year Plant Pathologist on GMOs and Glyphosate
- Schools Go Organic: Science Supports Growing Movement
- COVVHA 100 Scientific Study Links on the Health Risks of GMOs
- Rodale Institute - GMO Myths Busted
- Compositional differences between GMO Soybeans and Non-GMO Soybeans
- Morphological Changes of The Liver, Kidneys, And Adrenal Glands Of Experimental Animals After Long Term Feeding With Roundup Ready Genetically Modified Soy
Gene Editing/RNAi
- Gene-Editing Unintentionally Adds Bovine DNA, Goat DNA, and Bacterial DNA, Mouse Researchers Find
- CRISPR Has a Problem: It Mangles DNA It Wasn’t Supposed to Touch
- On-target mutations occur with CRISPR Cas-9, as well as off-target mutations
- Repair of double-strand breaks induced by CRISPR–Cas9 leads to large deletions and complex rearrangements
- Cattle genetically engineered not to grow horns show off-target genetic mutations and cell damage
- Unintended effects of "on target" edits with CRISPR
- CRISPR Cas9 GMOs have shown to cause thousands of off-target mutations
- DowDupont Scientists Use CRISPR to Try to Develop Glyphosate Resistance Plants
- CRISPR and the three myths of precise genome editing
- God’s Red Pencil? CRISPR and The Three Myths of Precise Genome Editing
- RNAi-Based Insecticidal Crops: Potential Effects on Nontarget Species
- Cisgenesis and genome editing: combining concepts and efforts for smarter use of genetic resources in crop breeding
GMO Resources
Global GMO news sites
- www.sustainablepulse.com The most groundbreaking news
- www.gmoevidence.com
- www.GMwatch.com
- www.nongmoproject.org
- www.gmofreeusa.com over 1800 studies and papers showing harm from GMOs and related pesticides
- www.earthopensource.org 330-page GMO Myths and Facts resource
Glyphosate Herbicides
80% of GMOs are Engineered to Withstand Glyphosate Herbicides- the most widely used herbicide in the world (not for long, we hope)
Link to 376 glyphosate studies.
- Organic diet intervention significantly reduces urinary pesticide levels in U.S. children and adults
Roundup-Induced Gut Dysbiosis, Irrelevant to Aromatic Amino Acid Deficiency, Impairs the Gut Function in Rats
International Glyphosate Study Shows Likely Cause of Explosion in Childhood Leukemia - Association between glyphosate exposure and cognitive function, depression, and neurological diseases in a representative sample of US adults: NHANES 2013-2014 analysis
- Glyphosate Hacks Hormones of Baby Girls after Exposure in the Womb – New Groundbreaking Pilot Study
- Effects of Roundup and its main component, glyphosate, upon mammalian sperm function and survival
- Effects of Glyphosate Exposure on Reproductive Health: A Systematic Review of Human, Animal and In-Vitro Studies
- Mechanisms underlying the neurotoxicity induced by glyphosate-based herbicide in immature rat hippocampus: involvement of glutamate excitotoxicity
- Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System
- Glyphosate and the key characteristics of an endocrine disruptor: A review
Urinary Glyphosate, 2,4-D and DEET Biomarkers in Relation to Neurobehavioral Performance in Ecuadorian Adolescents in the ESPINA Cohort
Glyphosate: Modern Attack on the Gut - Association of Lifetime Exposure to Glyphosate and Aminomethylphosphonic Acid (AMPA) with Liver Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome at Young Adulthood: Findings from the CHAMACOS Study
- Explanation of Thresholds and Glyphosate Test Results - HRI Labs
- The Poison in Our Daily Bread: Glyphosate Contamination Widespread in Essential Foods
- Glyphosate: environmental contamination, toxicity and potential risks to human health via food contamination
- Glyphosate Poisons Wildlife
- Ameliorative effect of N-acetylcysteine on the testicular tissue of adult male albino rats after glyphosate-based herbicide exposure
- Glyphosate and Roundup: All roads lead to cancer
- Proven: Glyphosate herbicides change gene function and cause DNA damage
- Early life multiple exposures and child cognitive function: A multi-centric birth cohort study in six European countries
- Urinary glyphosate concentration in pregnant women in relation to the length of gestation
- Breaking down the use of glyphosate in the U.S.
- A new study shows Roundup herbicide causes cancer and DNA damage
- Chronic exposure to glyphosate in Florida manatee
- Glyphosate-based herbicides affect behavioral patterns of the livebearer Jenynsia multidentate.
- Evidence that glyphosate is a causative agent in chronic sub-clinical metabolic acidosis and mitochondrial dysfunction
- A new study reveals evidence for potential cancer-causing damage
- A Review of Glyphosate Endocrine Disrupting Pathways
- Epigenome-wide association study for glyphosate-induced transgenerational sperm DNA methylation and histone retention epigenetic biomarkers for disease
- Organic diet intervention significantly reduces urinary glyphosate levels in U.S. children and adults
- Maternal glyphosate exposure causes autism-like behaviors in offspring through increased expression of soluble epoxide hydrolase
- What's In My Baby Food? A national investigation finds 95 percent of baby foods tested contain toxic chemicals that lower babies’ I.Q., including arsenic and lead
- Glyphosate Can Trigger Aggressive Breast Cancer - Disrupts Methylation
- DNA Methylation: An Alternative Pathway to Cancer
- Glyphosate exposure breaks down the blood-brain barrier
- Prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and functional neuroimaging in adolescents living in proximity to pesticide application
- Glyphosate can cause cancers - Multiple Myeloma and Non-Hodgkin's Disease
- Widespread occurrence of glyphosate in urine from pet dogs and cats in New York State, USA.
- Exposure to Glyphosate-Based Herbicides and Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Meta-Analysis and Supporting Evidence
- Global Glyphosate Study Pilot Phase Shows Reproductive and Developmental Effects at ‘Safe’ Dose
- Glyphosate causes DNA Damage at Ultra Low Levels.
- Roundup/Glyphosate Dermal and Respiratory Exposure Studies on Humans and Animals
- Global Glyphosate Study Pilot Phase Shows Adverse Health Effects at 'Safe' Doses
- Detection of Glyphosate Residues in Animals and Humans
- Human exposure to glyphosate has increased by 500%
- Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines.
- Laboratory Rodent Diets Contain Toxic Levels of Environmental Contaminants: Implications for Regulatory Tests
- Samsel and Dr. Seneff ( MIT) Paper I- on Glyphosate and Modern Disease
- Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases IV: cancer and related pathologies
- Glyphosate: Health Concerns About the Most Widely Used Pesticide
- Glyphosate pathways to modern disease V: Amino acid analog of glycine in diverse proteins
- The Shikimate Pathway, the Microbiome, and Disease: Health Effects of GMOs on Humans
- Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate, and the deterioration of health in the United States
- Glyphosate Found Toxic at Levels Below Allowable Daily Intake Deemed Safe by EPA
- Glyphosate: Destructor of Human Health with Swanson Charts
- Dr.Nancy Swanson's charts on Glyphosate and organ damage
- Seralini Republished Study of Roundup on Rats (study on Roundup, not just glyphosate)
- The Effect of Glyphosate on Potential Pathogens and Beneficial Members of Poultry Microbiota In Vitro
- Groundbreaking Probiotic Study on Leaky Gut Published in World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology
- Effects of the Herbicide Glyphosate on Honey Bee Sensory and Cognitive Abilities: Individual Impairments with Implications for the Hive
- Roundup has proven to kill fruit flies.
- Glyphosate perturbs the gut microbiota of honey bees
- The Herbicide Glyphosate Negatively Affects Midgut Bacterial Communities and Survival of Honey Bee during Larvae Reared in Vitro
- Commercially formulated glyphosate can kill non-target pollinator bees under laboratory conditions
- Genotoxic effect of a binary mixture of dicamba-and glyphosate-based commercial herbicide formulations on Rhinella arenarum (Hensel, 1867) (Anura, Bufonidae) late-stage larvae
- The Herbicide Glyphosate Negatively Affects Midgut Bacterial Communities and Survival of Honey Bee during Larvae Reared in Vitro
- Glyphosate: Its Environmental Persistence and Impact on Crop Health and Nutrition
- Glyphosate Residues in Soil and Air: An Integrated Review
- Herbicide residues affecting plant hormone balance
- Glyphosate and Disease of Plants
- Determination of glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate in dairy farm water from Argentina using a simplified UHPLC-MS/MS method
- Glyphosate and atrazine in rainfall and soils in agro-productive areas of the Pampas region in Argentina
- High levels of Glyphosate in Wind Blown Matter on Farms
- 20 Years of Glyphosate and the impact on soil
- Glyphosate-Induced Specific and Widespread Perturbations in the Metabolome of Soil Pseudomonas Species
- Bacteria Acetobacter Degrades Glyphosate
- The Amount of Glyphosate Used on America Crops (by the millions of pounds)
- Glyphosate Can Decrease Germination of Glyphosate-Resistant Soybeans
- Roundup destroys soil quality
- Updated Screening Level Usage Analysis (SLUA) Report for Glyphosate
- Glyphosate and the Impact on Earthworms
- Majewski Glyphosate in Rainwater and Air
Glyphosate- and multiple-resistant water hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus var. rudis) in
Ontario, Canada - EPA List of Allowed Levels of Glyphosate on 160 Food Crops
- Impact of pesticides on marine coral reef foraminifera
- Arsenic and Glyphosate were found to damage the thyroid and antioxidant system and cause cell damage In tadpoles.
- Glyphosate induces cardiovascular toxicity in fish
- Glyphosate Sprayed on GMO Crops Linked to Lake Erie’s Toxic Algae Bloom
- Glyphosate Persistence in Sea Water
- Diets derived from maize monoculture cause maternal infanticides in the endangered European hamster due to a vitamin B3 deficiency
- Impacts of glyphosate on the reproductive hormones
- Maternal urinary levels of glyphosate during pregnancy and anogenital distance in newborns in a U.S. multicenter pregnancy cohort
- Glyphosate damages blood-testis barrier via NOX1-triggered oxidative stress in rats: Long-term exposure as a potential risk for male reproductive health
- Are glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides endocrine disruptors that alter female fertility?
- Roundup and Endocrine Disruption of Female Fertility
- Glyphosate causes the disease to be transferred through sperm and eggs
- Roundup disrupts male reproductive functions by triggering calcium-mediated cell death in rat testis and Sertoli cells
- Perinatal exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide impairs female reproductive outcomes and induces second-generation adverse effects in Wistar rats
- Maternal Exposure to Glyphosate and Shortened Gestation
- Glyphosate and Anencephaly: Death by A Thousand Cuts
- Seneff and Nigh Paper on Death by a Thousand Cuts: Glyphosate and Anencephaly
- Perinatal exposure to glyphosate-based herbicide alters the thyrotrophic axis and causes thyroid hormone homeostasis imbalance in male rats
- Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide on the uterus of adult ovariectomized rats
- Neonatal exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide alters the development of the rat uterus
- Seralini: Co-formulants of glyphosate herbicides are endocrine disruptors
- Glyphosate Damage on Human and Embryonic and Placental Cells
- Glyphosate, Pig Feed and Miscarriages Study, Kruger, Pedersen, etc
- Carrasco Teratogenic Effects Glyphosate of Glyphosate on Vertebrates (Deformities)
- Maternal glyphosate exposure causes autism-like behaviors in offspring through increased expression of soluble epoxide hydrolase
- Glyphosate exposure in pregnancy and shortened gestational length: a prospective Indiana birth cohort study
- Maternal glyphosate exposure causes autism-like behaviors in offspring through increased expression of soluble epoxide hydrolase.
- Roundup Exposure Increases Antibiotic Resistance 1000X.
- A new study links common herbicides and antibiotic resistance
- New Study Connects Glyphosate to Clostridia Bacteria Levels in Gut and Autism
- Behavioral impairments following repeated intranasal glyphosate-based herbicide administration in mice
- Oral Application of Charcoal and Humic Acids Influence Selected Gastrointestinal Microbiota, Enzymes, Electrolytes, and Substrates in the Blood of Dairy Cows Challenged with Glyphosate in GMO Feeds
- Can glyphosate’s disruption of the gut microbiome and induction of sulfate deficiency explain the epidemic of gout and associated diseases in the industrialized world?
- Autism and Altered Intestinal Bacteria Associated with High Intake of GMO-Foods and Exposure to Weed-Killer, Glyphosate
- Are glyphosate herbicides linked to autism? A new paper finds a connection
- Is there a link between autism and glyphosate-formulated herbicides?
- Effects of Glyphosate on Food Bacteria
- Glyphosate Samsel and Seneff (MIT) Paper II on Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance
- Effects of Glyphosate on Beneficial Chicken Gut Bacteria
- Mice with Autism Symptoms Decreased with Probiotics
- Glyphosate leads to the uptake of aluminum into the pineal gland in the brain, linked to autism
- Study Suggests Parkinson’s Could Start in Gut Endocrine Cells
- Glyphosate causes antibiotic resistance
- Disruption of cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver and small intestine in chicken embryos in-ovo exposed to glyphosate
- Is Glyphosate a Key Factor in the Unexplained Epidemic of Chronic Kidney Disease?
- Death as a Drug Side Effect in FAERS: Is Glyphosate Contamination a Factor?
- Multiomics reveal non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats following chronic exposure to an ultra-low dose of Roundup herbicide.
- Seralini's study on Roundup and Rats: Liver and Kidney Damage and Tumors
- Blood Vessel Inflammation Following Exposure to a Glyphosate-based Herbicide
- IARC Monograph on Glyphosate and Cancer
- World Health Organization of U.N. declares glyphosate a "probable carcinogen."
- EPA FIFRA Panel on Glyphosate as a Carcinogen Transcript of Oct 2016 Meeting
- Association between Cancer and Environmental Exposure to Glyphosate
- Glyphosate and Cancer-Causing Properties Known By EPA since 1983
- Study: Glyphosate Doubles Risk of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- Association of Cancer and Environmental Exposure to Glyphosate
- Glyphosate Induces Breast Cancer Cell Growth
- Aluminum in brain tissue in autism
- Glyphosate Causes Neurotoxicity "American Mind Melt" in rats
- Biological Psychiatry: Depression and Glyphosate
- Roundup Causes Liver and Brain Impairment in fish
- National School Lunch Testing Results for glyphosate, pesticides, veterinary drugs, hormones, heavy metals and nutrients.
- Analysis of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in leaves from Coffea arabica using high-performance liquid chromatography with quadrupole mass spectrometry detection
- Monsanto was found to be ghostwriting the "science" that "shows" that glyphosate is safe.
- Glyphosate in Baby Food with Grains
- Pesticides in Hair Test Results
- Glyphosate in Breastmilk, Tap water, and Children's Urine
- Glyphosate in Pediatric Feeding Tube Liquid
- Glyphosate in California Wine Report
- No Glyphosate Detected in Two California Wines
- Glyphosate in Childhood Vaccines
- Glyphosate is “Healthy Foods"
- Glyphosate in World's Top Wine and Beer
- Glyphosate in Hummus
- Roundup Revealed: Glyphosate in our Food System
- Glyphosate in Food & Water, The Detox Project
- Glyphosate: Unsafe on Any Plate: Food Testing Results and Scientific Reason for Concern
- Glyphosate in Pet Food
- A critical review of glyphosate findings in human urine (Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety)
- Average Amount of Glyphosate a Child Consumes or Could Consume in America Each Day
- Open Letter to the President of the European Commission from Dr. Christopher J. Portier
- Glyphosate Fact Sheet - Pesticide Action Network International
- A PAN AP Factsheet Series - Special Release - GLYPHOSATE
- Glyphosate Fact Sheet Journal of Pesticide Reform
- Proposed collateral Damage of Glyphosate was presented to the EPA on May 27, 2014
- Sources for Stats and Data used in Zen's Talks/ Monsanto Shareholder Meeting
The Impact of Pesticides
- 1 out of 2 Children in America have a chronic illness
- The High Cost of Pesticides: Human and Animal Disease
- USA Agricultural System UnHealthy-New Report
- USA Highest Infant Mortality Rate in Industrialized World
- Toxins Causing 6th Mass Extinction of Life by Rosemary Mason
- First Biomarker Evidence Autism Is Linked to DDT
- A commercial Roundup® formulation induced male germ cell apoptosis by promoting the expression of XAF1 in adult mice.
- Toxicity of formulants and heavy metals in glyphosate-based herbicides and other pesticides
- Cost of endocrine disrupting pesticides in the USA - 42 billion in 2010
- Herbicides: Feminization of male frogs in the wild
- Huge Decline of African Men's Sperm Quality
- Nearly 60% Decline in Men's Sperm in E.U., North America, and Australia
- Drastic Decline in Men's Semen Quality in China
- Mixtures of herbicides and metals affect the redox system of honey bees
- Glyphosate and Pesticides Increase Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Glufosinate ( Glyphosate alternative) and Harmful Neuro Effects on Newborn Mice
- Chronic exposure to commonly used insecticides causes diabetes
- The Cost of America's Asthma Epidemic
- Pesticides Are Associated with Allergic and Non-Allergic Wheeze among Male Farmers
- "Inerts" make Glyphosate 1000X More Toxic
- 2nd Study on Toxic (untested by EPA) Adjuvants ( other chemicals in Roundup)
- Mental Illness in America
- The Increased Use of Pesticides 13-year report
- 16-year Pesticides Report Charles Benbrook
- The Chemical Pandemic Philippe Grandjean, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), and Philip Landrigan, Dean for Global Health at Mount Sinai, published online Saturday in Lancet Neurology.
- Death of Bees
- Scientist Attacked for Exposing Pesticide Harm
- Human exposure to pesticides from food
- HIDDEN COSTS OF TOXIC SEED COATINGS - Insecticide Use on the Rise
- Melanoma research gathers momentum.
- Monocultural sowing in mesocosms decreases the species richness of weeds and invertebrates and critically reduces the fitness of the endangered European hamster
Other Environmental Harms
- Potential impacts of synthetic food dyes on activity and attention in children: a review of the human and animal evidence
- The connection between Acetaminophen ( Tylenol), ADD, and Autism
- Biodegradable’ straws contain forever chemicals
- 15 List of Chemicals in Plastic – Properties – Dangers
- Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Other Billionaires Invest in Environmentally-Friendly Artificial Breast Milk Cultured From Human Mammary
- Electronic cigarettes disrupt lung lipid homeostasis and innate immunity independent of nicotine.
- Sliver of cool surface water helps the ocean absorb more carbon, study shows - Possible link to Glyphosate causing rising ocean temps
Heavy Metal(loid)s
- Heavy metal pollution in the environment and their toxicological effects on humans
- Tampons as a source of exposure to metal(loid)s
Dangers of 5G
- Effect of electromagnetic field exposure on the reproductive system
- Rage Against the 5G Machine
- 5G Beware
- Possible 5G Tower Next to School Removed After Students Develop Cancer
- 5G Dragnet
- Cell Phone Towers and Property Devaluation
- Radiation Fears - Byron Bay Residents Worried About 5G
- Virtual Reality - Humanity's Next Addiction
- Barrister Ray Broomhall Talking About the Action Being Taken Against the 5G Rollout and the Next Steps
- Lawyer Sue Grey Talks To Tim Lynch about 5G & More
- Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe Post interview - Electromagnetic Radiation & 5G
- David Bradbury Film - Rally for 5G Moratorium. (Byron Shire NSW)
- 5G Rally Calls for Moratorium (News article related to above)
- Genocide Documents - Murder “I.S.” Legal How This Came to Be The Honorable Peter Slipper (Fmr Speaker) & Barrister - Stop 5G Global
- Defeating 5G as a Mass DEW Terraforming Platform for A.I. Artificial Intelligence
- 5G: The Unreported Global Threat
- You Are Being Groomed
- Bees Dying Under 5G Poles
- The 5G War - Technology Versus Humanity
- Everything You Need to Know About 5G
- Response: 5G and Wireless Risks to Public Health
- Opposition to 5G Small Cell Deployment Spreads Across US
- Kate Lives in Fear of the 5G Radiation Rollout
- Why 5G Is Like the Worst Relationship Your Ever Had
- 5G Danger: 13 Reasons New Millimeter Wave Tech Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity
- Elk Grove Residents Warned About Possible Health Hazards of 5G
- Side-effects of Living Near 5G Towers in Geneva, Switzerland – Testimonial
- New Research Shows That Over a Quarter of Australians Are Concerned about the Health Risks of 5G Technology
- EMFs: Ignorance Is NOT Bliss with Jason Bawden-Smith
- Small Cells - Node B 4G/5G
- Ugly Cell Towers (Pinterest gallery)
- Where Are All the Trees Going?
- Next Generation 5G Network May Be Taking Off on Lanai (Aerial platforms)
- With 5G, We Feel Like Guinea Pigs
- The 5G Hype Is Setting Consumers Up for a Let-down
- Wireless Radiation T.V. News
- Spending Six Hours a Day on My Mobile Gave Me a Brain Tumour, Claims Business Executive, 43, Who's Now Been Given Just Three Years to Live
- Re-inventing Wires - The Future of Landlines and Networks
- Trump Administration Cancels Rule for More-energy-efficient Light Bulbs. (Incandescents to no longer be illegal)
- Parents Hiring Coaches to Help Raise Their Children Phone-Free
- Archbishop Makarios Hospital III Launches Initiative to Minimize Wireless Radiation Exposures to Children
- Long-term Wireless Exposure at School
- A Child Testifies to Microwave Illness from Wifi in Schools (Video)
- Dr. Karl - Misleading and Wrong Information and a Much Deeper Problem in the Selection of Experts
- The Miseducation of America on 5G: The New York Times Gets It Spectacularly Wrong
- A Fact-Free Hit on a 5G Critic
- Veteran MD Drops Bombshell About 5G Technology Dangers At 5G Hearing
Video Links
- How Glyphosate is linked to Gut-Brain Harm with Dr. Buckley
- Anthony Samsel on the Effects of Glyphosate Part 1
- Anthony Samsel on the Effects of Glyphosate Part 2
- Anthony Samsel on Glyphosate and Unsafe Meat and Potatoes
- CNN Interview- Behind the scenes with Zen Honeycutt
- Glyphosate Studies Submitted to EPA for Re Approval
- "Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of GMOs"
- “The Unhealthy Truth” by Robyn O’Brien
- “Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” by William F. Engdahl
- “A Compromised Generation” by Beth Lambert
- “Foodopoly” by Wynona Hauter of Food & Water Watch
- “Food and Behavior: the Natural Connection” by Barbara Stitt Ph.D.
- Steven Druker: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth
- www.responsibletechnology.org Institute for Responsible Technology and GENETIC ROULETTE the movie. Downloadable for $2.99. Many other resources on this site. NON-GMO Shopping guides etc.
- www.robynobrien.com Robyn O’Brien’s Ted Talk, “ Patriotism on a Plate,” is 18 min free on YouTube and www.allergykids.org foundation to support kids with allergies.
Health Solutions
- Sugars in Human Mother's Milk are a New Class of Antibacterial Agents
- Oral Application of Charcoal and Humic Acids Influence Selected Gastrointestinal Microbiota, Enzymes, Electrolytes, and Substrates in the Blood of Dairy Cows Challenged with Glyphosate in GMO Feeds
- Protective Effects of Lignite Extract Supplement on Intestinal Barrier Function in Glyphosate-Mediated Tight Junction Injury
Benefits of Eating Organic
- Study Shows Toxic Pesticide Levels in Families Dropped by 60% After One-Week Organic Diet.
- Organic diet intervention significantly reduces urinary pesticide levels in U.S. children and adults
- Organic Foods for Cancer Prevention—Worth the Investment?
- Association of Frequency of Organic Food Consumption With Cancer Risk: Findings From the NutriNet-Santé Prospective Cohort Study
- Organic Bovine Milk has a More Desirable Fatty Acid Composition than Conventional Milk
- Organic versus non-organic. A study of nutritional difference
- Organic Versus Non-Organic 2014 Study
The content of the Moms Across America website is provided for information purposes only. Information is subject to change without prior notice. Every effort has been taken to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, but no guarantees can be made.
Neither Moms Across America nor its authors are liable for damages resulting from the use of information obtained from this site. The authors are not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from this website or any damages resulting from information on those sites.
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